Downloadable Forms for the Initial Appointment


To provide important background information and to reduce time completing paperwork at the time of the first session, please print out and complete the appropriate forms. Then, send them back to your psychologist in advance or bring them with you to the first appointment.

Child / Adolescent / Young Adult

*If you have other children who will be participating in family therapy with us, it would be beneficial for you to complete Developmental Histories for them also.

  • Copies of Prior Reports

Please make copies of any psychological testing and other assessments that have been completed in recent years, and if relevant, copies of recent report cards with teacher comments.  Additionally, if your child has an ER/RR (Evaluation Report) from the school district and an IEP/504/GIEP Plan please make copies of the most recent versions.  (Please do not send your only copy of original reports.)

Individual Adult

Couples / Marital
