Bryn Mawr Psychological Associates is a welcoming place for LGBTQ+ youth and adults seeking treatment for a wide range of concerns. The LGBTQ+ community is vibrant and diverse. At the same time, members of the LGBTQ+ community experience higher rates of anxiety, depression, trauma, discrimination, and other psychological, social, family, and work challenges.
In some instances LGBTQ+ individuals seek therapy directly related to exploring and understanding their sexual and/or gender identification. Others seek guidance on the coming out process, if coming out feels right for them. Some may seek support on how their sexual and/or gender identity intersects with other identities including but not limited to race, religion/religious beliefs, or national origin.
Requests for therapy/consultation also come from relatives struggling with their family member’s emerging new identity. Confusion, navigating tension in the family, trying to understand how best to support their family member, and worry for the future are common areas of focus in therapy.
We have several psychologists with experience treating and supporting members of the LGBTQ+ community as well as our staff psychologist, Dr. Thomas Le, who has over 35 publications in the field and expertise in treating most of the challenges described above.